About Us

We love making milkshakes – we’ve been doing so since 2007. Using quality ice cream (and lots of it!), fresh milk and your chosen ingredient, we create something that’s thick, creamy, well mixed and tastes amazing.  That’s Eskimoo laid bare.

We pride ourselves with making and selling shakes and nothing else (okay we do a few hot chocolates in winter but that’s it!). No soft drinks, no teas or coffees, no cakes, no donuts, no biscuits, no wraps, no pizza slices, no…you get the idea. We don’t dilute our business.  That’s why we’re the go to place for shakes!

What we do isn’t rocket science (but neither is making a coffee/a sandwich/a pizza) but doing it right and with experience and passion counts. We know what works, what doesn’t and what customers want.

So whether you’re feeling fruity, chocolaty, biscuity, cakey, sweety or a bit special (that’s the name given to our… specials) we’ve one for you.

Enough words.  What do they say about a picture?